Blossoming Birds

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Annie's birthday weekend, our weekend in pictures.  

As Annie's birthday is on a Tuesday and Colin's working (I changed my day off as I'm just not ready to leave them on their birthday yet, after all it's a big day for us mummies too!) we had a little party at the house and then headed to the garden show on Sunday. The party was a bit of a last minute plan, as with a holiday and Colin's 30th this month we were only going to have a little tea party for Annie's 2nd birthday but as we saw the weather forecast we changed our mind! Family and a few friends joined us for such a relaxed day that went on into the evening and the girls partied until they dropped.

Here's some pictures of the weekend, they aren't standard 'pretty blog' stuff, but they are the real meaningful one with family and friends, messy homes and happy hearts, the ones I want to store away the pics with a few words to reminisce in years to come. 

Partyware by Ticketybooevents

Cake by Majellas Bakes

Sunday at the Garden show Ireland

Anna xx